Bamenda City Mayor To Reconcile Population For Peace To Return

By Raymond Dingana

If there is a canker warm that has eaten right deep in to the fabrics of the city of Bamenda, that canker warm is insecurity which has paralyzed activities in the city. During the first council session which was dedicated to the putting in place of the various committees that will see in to it that, Bamenda is given a new look, the pioneer City Mayor of Bamenda, Paul Achumbang  said the situation of insecurity and the return to peace will be handled through reconciliation among others.
“I was privileged to meet the Arch Bishop of Bamenda and the issue of insecurity was raised. We are going to start first with an approached which has to do with reconciliation, an approach that is Godly, religious, from the moral point of view, and we are going to make it possible for everyone to be everyone’s keeper. In the past years, people have lost loved ones and properties and bitterness has been in the mind of all of us but it doesn’t matter the degree of our bitterness, we have to move on. For us to move on, we must put all the bitterness behind us and face the future together”. Mayor Paul Achumbang said.
The Bamenda city boss added that, they will ensure that a marshal plan is worked out for the cleaning of the city of Bamenda .He said it is not going to be an affair of the city council alone and that, the population has to be involved . He furthered that, efforts will be made to open up new roads and old ones maintained and strategies put in place to eliminate poverty from the city.
Water and electricity which have not been stable for some time now will also be taken care of. Paul Achumbang said, strategies will be put in place to ensure that, Bamenda city enjoys constant water supply, and an alternative source of electricity in the event of any kind of failure from ENEO.

The population of Bamenda is now waiting anxiously to see all these projects come to fruition. Talking to DrayInfos, many said, when Vincent Nji Ndumu was appointed Government Delegate to the Bamenda City Councils many years ago, he made promises that only ended in the speech he presented after his appointment when he took over from Abel Ndeh. There are hopes that; such will not be the case this time around.
With the development projects the council has in mind, locals are of the opinion that, there can be no development in a state of crisis. Thus, the most pressing on any agenda should be ways on bringing back the city of Bamenda to be a better image of its former self.


Photo credit: Laary Uchena

City Mayor of Bamenda, Paul Achumbang 


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