Anglophone Crisis: Night Life Under Attack In Bamenda

 By Raymond Dingana

An undisclosed number of persons have either been killed or wounded when gun men stormed snack bars in Bamenda on the night of Sunday breaking Monday March first,2021.

Two drinking spots around Mobile and Mile 3 Nkwen respectively were reportedly hit by gun men leading to the death of a least two persons, sources told drayinfos.

Bird Eye View Of Bamenda

Reports also say, many are responding to treatment in health facilities around the town of Bamenda while some were taken away by the armed men.

The recent attacks have caused many to reconsider their night time enjoyment as many now fear they may end up being victims of an attack or  attacks by armed men.

Owners of drinking spots are also complaining that, the attacks are affecting their businesses negatively. 

This is because many now stay away from from business places.

This is not the first time beer palors are hit by armed men especially during night hours.

Some months back, two explosive device went off in two drinking spots closed to each other around mobile Nkwen, a very busy spots in the municipality.

Night time attacks have intensified in Bamenda and it's environs with lives lost and many wounded. 

Calls for a genuine dialogue have not stop coming from the local population who believe that,the crisis that has given birth to the high level of insecurity can be brought to its logical end. 



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