CODEF: Myths, Facts About Epilepsy That You Need To Know

By Raymond Dingana

A not for profit organization known as Community Development and Epilepsy Foundation (CODEF) has outlined some of the Facts and Myths sorrounding epilepsy.

Described by health experts as a central nervous system disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, the illness has had its own share of Myths and Facts.

According to the office of CODEF, many communities believe that epilepsy is contagious.

 This is not true as it cannot be transmitted from one person to the other.

Press Session With Journalists At CODEF Head Office

On the belief that epilepsy is caused by witchcraft or spiritual possession, the office of CODEF has debunked this and says
Epilepsy has nothing to do with witchcraft. It is a medical condition that has to do with a chronic neurological disorder that can happen to anyone at any age.
Another myth sitting on the neck of epilepsy is that those with the condition are not supposed to work since they are sick,
This is not true, they can and should be supported to work and not over protected and pampered. However,heights and fire should be avoided, CODEF indicated.
One myth that has really been a headache to this group of persons is that which says they cannot get married and have a family of their own. 

This is not true as explained by CODEF,
Persons with epilepsy can get married, attain the highest level of education and be employed. Women with epilepsy planning to get pregnant should consult a health institution.
If their seizures are well controlled, persons with this health condition can drive cars, the office of CODEF further explains.

As far as sport is concerned, there is nothing wrong in persons with this neurological condition taking part in sporting and other recreational activities if their seizures are under control. 

When it comes to activities involving water or height, special safety considerations should be taken.

In order to help persons with epilepsy feel that they too belong to the society, communities must stop stigmatizing them.

+237 676238865


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