North West Regional Assembly: Hon.Ujambeng Explains Role Of Members In Conflict Resolution

 Hon.Ujambeng Stephen, Representative For Momo Division

By Raymond Dingana

The Regional Representative for Momo Division, Northwest Region of Cameroon has disclosed some of the areas where they can capitalize on to cause peace return to the region.

Hon. Ujambeng Stephen spoke to Tuesday July 26,2022 during the June session of the Northwest Regional Assembly currently taking place in Bamenda.
Some are in to petit trading, poultry farming, piggery, fisheries, among others. We can encourage them at those levels to better their lives. The people also need farm to market roads for easy evacuation of their crops from the farms to the markets among others, Hon.Ujembeng said.
He further explained that though they really want to serve their communities, the means is not there,
Our people are suffering, yet we don't even have the means to help them. Medicine stores don't have medication, we can't even afford to help, we don't even have the power to stand and talk to them, there is just no means to help our people, he added.
According to the Regional Representative for Momo Division, they don't need to carryout gigantic projects but doing little things in a big way for peace to bounce back to the war ravaged Northwest region.

Member Of The NW Regional Assembly In Session


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