Mbengwi Mayor Recognized For Community-Driven Approach To Peace Building

Mayor Of Mbengwi Council, Ndangsah Kennedy Akam 

By Raymond Dingana

Mbengwi, like other divisional headquarters in Cameroon's Northwest Region, has grappled with complex security challenges. In response, some municipal authorities are working tirelessly to restore peace and stability, paving the way for development.

One such leader is Mayor Ndangsah Kennedy Akam of the Mbengwi Council, who has been recognized for his "bottom-up" approach to peace building. This approach, which emphasizes collaboration with the local population, has contributed to a gradual return to normalcy in the municipality.

At the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony organized by Lifetime Media Group on June 8th, 2024, Mayor Ndangsah was named the Most Outstanding and Development-Oriented Mayor of the Year in the Northwest Region.

He said he is succeeding thanks to the collaborative spirit of the Mbengwi Population.

"This recognition is the result of the high level of collaboration between the Mbengwi Council and the population," 

said Mayor Ndangsah.

"The key to our success has been the bottom-up approach, where the peace we enjoy stems from within the community. This has allowed us to carry out development activities even in remote areas of the municipality."

The mayor acknowledged the important role played by the local population, stating that the council's achievements are largely due to the community's unwavering support.

Although peace has not yet fully returned to Mbengwi, Mayor Ndangsah and his team remain committed to convincing armed groups to choose dialogue over violence.

"The best thing that could happen to Mbengwi is for everyone to come together and work towards the interest of the municipality," 

the mayor said.

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