Peace Building: Separatist Fighters In Widikum Denounce Violence, Drop Weapons

Former Separatist Fighters Being Presented To The North West Regional Administration 

By Raymond Dingana

Efforts to encourage suspected separatist fighters, who say they are fighting to restore what they claim is the lost sovereignty of Southern Cameroon, to abandon violence and drop their weapons have continued to yield positive results. This peace building initiative, championed by President Paul Biya, has caused many combatants to reject violence in favor of peace.

Seven young boys who had been actively fighting against the state of Cameroon have surrendered their weapons and join their peers at the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) Center in Bamenda, capital of the North West Region.They were officially presented to the North West administration on Saturday October 12,2024.

Members Of NW Administration With The Ex Fighters 

The Secretary General at the North West Governor's office, Saidou Moussa, was present to receive the ex combatants. On behalf of the government, he commended them for accepting the olive branch offered by President Paul Biya. 

"I want to thank Senator Enwe for his efforts in bringing these boys out of the bushes. I urge other elites to support President Biya's peace policy. I call on those still in hiding to come forward and join this peace-building process,"

 said Saidou Moussa.

Saidou,Secretary General At The NW Governor's Office Facing The Press

These seven boys, all from the Widikum Sub-Division of the North West Region, were persuaded to abandon violence thanks to the intervention of Senator Enwe Francis. 

"This is not the first time I have helped them, but it’s the first time I am doing so officially. I reached out through their friends and relatives, and thankfully, they responded positively," 

stated Senator Enwe Francis.

Senator Enwe Francis Facing The Press 

He also expressed gratitude to the Momo Elite, and others who contributed to persuading these boys to embrace peace by abandoning violence.

"We assured them that nothing would happen to them if they came out of hiding,"
Engwi added.

Kum Henry Ichu, the Coordinator of the DDR, explained that

"the DDR since creation has been receiving young people who have dropped their weapons despite widespread misinformation that when they come here, they will be killed. We have a school at the DDR where their kids can go to school, and they are workshops where they would be trained to be what they want to become."

He promised ongoing support for those who have chosen peace, and encouraged them to motivate their peers to follow suit, assuring them that all their needs would be met at the DDR center. He added that 502 ex combatants are currently at the DDR center.

DDR Bamenda Coordinator , Kum Henry Ichu 

While many appreciate the progress made with young people abandoning violence and finding refuge at the DDR center in Bamenda, there remains a belief among civil society that the Anglophone armed conflict can only be resolved through prioritizing dialogue among political, traditional, and religious leaders with those engaged in the armed struggle.

This dialogue is critical, as despite the increasing number of fighters choosing to disarm, and go to the DDR,  others continue to join the fight for various reasons resulting in daily loss of lives, destruction of property, severe human rights abuses, amongst others.


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