New Dawn in Akum: Population Empowers Fon Ngwashi I Through "Stoning" Ritual

Cross Section Of Population At Akum Palace Esplanade By Raymond Dingana Tradition has triumphed in Akum, a village in the Santa Sub-Division of the North West Region (NWR) of Cameroon, as multitudes turned out to witness the Stoning Ritual performed on a new Fon by the population as a way to empower him. On Sunday, December 22, 2024, it was the turn of HRH Foh Chi Eugene Ngwashi I of Akum, who received spiritual empowerment from his people. Just as the population focused on the main gate to the inner chambers of the Akum Palace, the Fon emerged at high speed from among the princes, while the crowd threw symbolic stones at him as he ran into the inner chambers. This event took place under the watchful eyes of many traditional authorities from the North West Region, among others who came from far and wide. What the Stoning Ritual Entails for the Ngemba Culture According to Chief Paul Nji Tumasang, a notable of Akum, the ritual represents a spiritual empowerment from the people...