NtaCCUL Elects New President, Board Members, Accelerates Digitalization Efforts As Membership Grows

Members Of NtaCCUL At The Elective General Assembly 

By Amabo Chris Abonwi 

Members of the Ntarinkon Cooperative Credit Union (NTaCCUL) have overwhelmingly mandated Bar. Bih Miranda to serve as their new President of the Board of Directors (BoD). She was elected alongside six board members during the Elective General Assembly held on Sunday, February 2, 2025, at the Bamenda Congress Hall.

Apart from the election of Bar. Bih Miranda, Akumawah Nee K. Margaret, Dingha Brezhnez Sama, Fru Doris Ade, and Chi Chrysantus Fon, Tse Chrispo Nche and Chi Cyprian Anye were appointed to the Supervisory Committee.

President Elect Of NtaCCUL, Bar. Bih Miranda Eps. Akuma

Dinga Brezhnez Sama, Elected Into The BoDs

Chi Chrysantus Fon, New Board Member

The assembly, which attracted thousands of members, highlighted the positive state of the Credit Union. Former president Taku Isaac expressed pride in leaving the organization in good health.

"We have tripled our performance indicators. I am leaving the credit union today on a satisfactory note, as I am passing on a financially healthy union capable of granting as many as 52,000 loans in a year, amounting to over 50 billion FCFA. The overall credit value has increased from 22.5 billion in 2019 to 76 billion, and our liquidity remains very stable," 

 said Taku.

Former President Of NtaCCUL, Taku Isaac 

He also invited potential members to trust the Credit Union and join.

"When you save your money here, we safeguard it and ensure that whenever you come for your funds, you can access it with some profit."

Explaining the reason behind NTaCCUL's surge in membership, the Director General, Divine Ade Muma, attributed this growth to the organization’s embrace of digitalization.

"The number of Ntarinkon Cooperative Credit Union members has risen to 104,000. This increase has created space challenges, which is why we are enhancing our digitalization efforts. This will enable clients to conduct transactions from home, addressing the queues in all our branches,"

said Divine Ade Muma.

Members of NTaCCL Celebrating Right In To The Night

Ntarinkon Cooperative Credit Union pays 6% interest on savings, which Divine Ade described as a magnet attracting more clients.

"Our interest rate on savings remains at 6%, which is paid consistently. Another reason for our growth is that we offer very high interest rates on members’ savings, which no other establishment can match in Cameroon. This explains why many members are choosing to save with us to benefit from the 6% interest on their savings."

He also mentioned their commitment to poverty alleviation, stating that they have paid about 4 billion FCFA in interest on savings alone, which has been beneficial.

Regarding achievements, Isaac noted that membership has increased from 50,000 to 104,000, and savings have grown from 26 billion FCFA to 70 billion FCFA.

"The credit union has also invested in infrastructure, including the Meleng building in Yaoundé. We have opened new branches in Ngoundere and Limbe, and we are installing ATM machines in all our branches," 

Divine Ade noted.

NTaCCUL continues to expand, having recently opened branches in Ngoundere and Limbe. The Ngoundere branch, which began operations on June 1, 2024, has already attracted 108 members, while the Limbe branch, inaugurated on December 24, 2024, has signed up 78 members.

Current membership of Ntarinkon Cooperative Credit Union (NTaCCUL) consists of 56,237 males, 36,651 females, and 11,319 groups.

NTaCCUL's Special Appeal to Female Members of the Credit Union

Officials of NtaCCUL say they will continue in their efforts to encourage women to diversify their activities to increase their sources of income and maintain a positive mindset. This will help improve the living conditions of their families, communities, and society at large, as women are the backbone of society.

The credit union encourages women to open minor accounts for their children and train them to manage these accounts. They should also educate their children on engaging in income-generating activities and acquiring life skills in vocations such as hairdressing, manicure and pedicure, barbering, and construction. This will positively impact their children's futures.

All women should take the lead in conducting business with the union by building their shares and savings, thus becoming more supportive partners in decision making alongside their male counterparts.


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