CCMN Bounces Back, Poised To Escalate Peace Journalism, Conflict Transformation Reporting

Family Photo By Raymond Dingana It's been two years since the once vibrant community, peace journalism, and conflict transformation network, the Cameroon Community Media Network (CCMN), went into hibernation. However, the spirit of peace journalism and conflict transformation hasn't left the network. This explains why members felt the need to revive and reenergize the organization. On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, members met in Bamenda for a strategic workshop focused on revitalizing the Cameroon Community Media Network. The gathering aimed to chart a way forward for the association. CCMN Members At The Meeting With resources from Brot für die Welt, the workshop concentrated on reorganizing the governance structure and developing a regional action plan, among other objectives. According to Pedmia Shatu Tita, the acting North West Regional Coordinator of CCMN, the goal is to make CCMN great again. "CCMN has always been 90% community and 10% media, and we felt it was importa...