CBCHS,H@H Partner With CAMASEJ Bamenda Against Cervical Cancer Amidst Alarming Figures

Workshop Resource Persons, And Participants In Family Photo By Raymond Dingana Members of the Bamenda chapter of the Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists (CAMASEJ-B) have joined forces with the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services CBCHS, and Humanity at Heart International H@H to eliminate Cervical Cancer amidst frightening statistics. Cervical Cancer is ranked fourth most common form of cancer and fourth leading cause of death amongst women in the world. It is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexual transmissible infection, and two types exist, the Low and High Risk types. The high risk type is the one that causes several types of cancer including cervical cancer. In Cameroon, it is ranked second and most common and leading cause of female cancer deaths in the country with 1,878 deaths of the 2,770 diagnosed cases in 2020. However, the good news is that cervical cancer is treatable if captured early enough, advocates for it's elimin...