Environmental Conversation: CAMGEW Celebrates Vital Role Of Bees, Advocates For Their Urgent Protection

L-R:Family Photo Taken At The Event, Bees Carrying Out Cross Pollination By Raymond Dingana The importance of bees-winged insects closely related to wasps, and ants known for their pivotal role in pollination goes beyond just producing honey for consumption, and other purposes, conservationists say. This explains why the United Nations proclaimed May 20th as World Bee Day which aims to raise awareness on the importance of pollinators, the threats they face, and their contributions to sustainable development. During a Panel discussion in Bamenda to celebrate World Bee Day, and World Biodiversity Day, Thursday May 23,2024, conservationists suggested that because man's existence depends on the continued presence of bees, all must be done to ensure they never go extinct. Conservationists At The Panel Discussion The panel discussion was organized by a local Non Governmental Organization, (Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch) CAMGEW whose team lead, Mr Wirsy Emmanuel Biny...