
NWR: EU Youth Sounding Board Empowers Young People, Encourages Voter Registration

Family Photo Taken At The EU Exchange Program  By Raymond Dingana The European Union Youth Sounding Board (YSB) organized a one-day youth exchange program in Bamenda on April 26, 2024, bringing together over 200 young individuals from the North West Region of Cameroon.  The program aimed to address the challenges faced by young people in accessing European Union (EU) opportunities and promote voter registration. During the YSB exchange program, participants were introduced to a wide range of life-changing opportunities provided by the European Union.  These opportunities included scholarships such as the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and the Fullbright Scholarship, as well as grants and other forms of support. EU Delegation At The Event Resource persons at the event raised awareness about the various EU opportunities available to young people and encouraged them to take advantage of these opportunities.  The importance of elections and youth participation in shaping policies, laws, and th

Bamendankwe: Sky Limit International To Alleviate Water Crisis at Asah & Julia Memorial Academic Complex

Sky Limit International CEO Addressing Students of Asah&Julia Memorial Academic Complex By Raymond Dingana  Asah & Julia Memorial Academic Complex located at Bamendankwe village, Bamenda I Sub Division, Northwest Region of Cameroon has been grappling with a severe water crisis since its inception. The situation has caused significant hardships for its students who are forced to either carry water bottles to school or endure long journeys in search of this essential resource. The water crisis has had a detrimental impact on the teaching and learning process within the campus.  Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Sky Limit International has stepped in to ensure a steady supply of portable water, a near luxury for the institution. "The situation is dire. Sometimes, we have to rely on portable water from the Presbyterian church nearby. The borehole promised by Sky Limit International is truly a blessing," said Mr. Forche Gregory, the Principal of the institution. Mr

Women's Rights Protection: PEARL Foundation Encourages Rights Violation Victims To Shun Culture Of Silence

Family Photo Taken At The Workshop  By Raymond Dingana The rights of women especially Grassroots women have continued to suffer violations. This has been worsened by the armed conflict devastating lives in the two English speaking regions of Cameroon where armed groups are fighting to creat a state they call Ambazonia. The violations are not only perpetrated by the warring parties but by partners in relationships, family members, acquaintance, amonsgt others. During a one day capacity building workshop for female lawyers, theologians, journalists including some of their male counterparts to raise awareness on the Maputo protocol on Wednesday, organized by Pearl Foundation April 17th, it was realized that grassroots women suffer a lot because of the culture of silence, and lack resources to persue court cases against their violators. Participants At The Workshop  According to Equality Now, The Maputo protocol is one of the world

At NWRA 14th Ordinary Session: Fon Azehfor III Decries Rapid Disappearance Of Wetlands

Fon Azehfor III Of Nkwen At The Session By Raymond Dingana  The existence of wetlands especially rafia farms around the town of Bamenda have continued to be threatened by the population, and to an extent the judiciary. Not even traditional methods to save the wetlands are applied by traditional authorities have worked, Fon Azehfor III told the Assembly. Decrying the situation of wetlands especially rafia farms in his area of command, Monday April 7, 2024, HRM Fon Azehfor III, who is also a member of the North West House of Chiefs said the situation is dire. Hi indicated that rafia bushes are being transformed in to residential areas with the judiciary not helping matters. "The rafia farms are disappearing, thereby threatening the constant flow of portable water. Most often than not when we what to use the traditional methods to protect the rafia farms, the preparators resort to the judiciary whereby the quarter head or notable is summoned to appear before the state council, and th

NWRA: Hon Angwafo III Calls Mayors To Order Amidst Population's Negative Perception About Them

NWRA Regional Assembly President, Fru Angwafo III  By Raymond Dingana During the opening ceremony of the 14th Ordinary Session Of the North West Regional Assembly (NWRA), the President, Hon Fru Angwafo III appeared unhappy with the results of the performance survey of the population's perception of elected officials. The scorecard that was published by the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator OPIC for the North West,under the stewardship of Mr Tamfu Simon Fai, exposed ethical malpractices eating right deep in to the fabrics of municipal authorities. Bamenda II,Wum, among others were found wanting in the exercise that was carried out by Community Based Assistants trained by OPIC. At The Debriefing Session The Public Independent Conciliator.  The outcome didn't go down well with the Hon Angwafo III who said the report is wearisome. "The results and scorecard of the Assembly as well as the Councils has been published and it is nothing to write home about. The results

14th Ordinary Session Of NWRA: Hon.Fru Angwafo III Updates Members On Projects Execution

  NWRA President, Hon Fru Angwafo III At The Opening Of The Session  By Raymond Dingana The 14th Ordinary Session Of the North West Regional Assembly (NWRA) has taken off in Bamenda with members receiving updates on the level of project execution at the level of the region. The session that is expected to run from April 8-11, 2024 is dedicated to the Presentation of the 2023 Management, Administration, Finance,and Stores Accounts). In a chat with Regional Assembly Members, Monday April 8th during the joint opening, the President of the North West Regional Assembly, Fru Angwafo III updated the members on how development projects are unfolding. "In 2023, the NWRA awarded 40 Regional Assembly Internal Tenders Board contracts/jobbing orders. As we speak, all annual projects for 2023 have been completed at a physical execution level of 100% and paid 100% financial execution rate,"  Fru Angwafo continued that, "only multi-year projects are ongoing. The project for the construc

Bamenda: Population Protests Killing Of Civilian By Uniform Officer

  Cross Section Of Protesting Crowd At Up Station  By Raymond Dingana The early hours of Thursday April 4,2024 was a tensed one at the Bamenda I council area following the stabbing to death of the young man identified as Junior Awazi popularly known as BJ by a uniform officer in civilian attire. The incident happened in the early hours of Wednesday breaking Thursday April 4 in a beer parlor at Up Station, Bamenda I Council area. The population was out in the streets expressing their grievances demanding justice for the slain young man. " It all started when the uniform officer in civilian attire wounded a girl's hand after she rejected his love advances. BJ intervene and the officer stabbed him three times and that was his end," narrates a witness who spoke to drayinfos on the basis of anonymity. Other sources say the uniform man requested to have a talk with BJ after he was  prevented from talking to lady. It is not clear what later happened between the two that caused t