
CBC Executive President, Rev. Dr.Teke John Ekema Urges Court Opponents To Withdraw Case Against Church

    Rev.Dr. Teke During The Induction Service  By Raymond Dingana The Executive President of the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC), Rev. Dr. Teke John Ekema, has appealed to Christians who have taken the CBC to court to withdraw their case. Rev. Ekema made this appeal during his induction service as the new Executive President of the CBC, which took place on Saturday, January 11, 2025, at the Nkwen Baptist Church in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon. During the service, officiated by former Executive President Rev. Nditemeh Charlemagne, Rev. Ekema proclaimed that the year 2025 is a year of Jubilee, which in a biblical sense signifies a year of freedom from slavery and the cancellation of debts, as indicated in Isaiah 61:1-4.  "It is a year of forgiveness, reconciliation, peace, and total restoration. I therefore appeal to our brothers who have taken the CBC to court to please withdraw all court cases and return home as a family to build the church," Rev. Ekema u...

New Dawn in Akum: Population Empowers Fon Ngwashi I Through "Stoning" Ritual

Cross Section Of Population At Akum Palace Esplanade  By Raymond Dingana Tradition has triumphed in Akum, a village in the Santa Sub-Division of the North West Region (NWR) of Cameroon, as multitudes turned out to witness the Stoning Ritual performed on a new Fon by the population as a way to empower him. On Sunday, December 22, 2024, it was the turn of HRH Foh Chi Eugene Ngwashi I of Akum, who received spiritual empowerment from his people. Just as the population focused on the main gate to the inner chambers of the Akum Palace, the Fon emerged at high speed from among the princes, while the crowd threw symbolic stones at him as he ran into the inner chambers.  This event took place under the watchful eyes of many traditional authorities from the North West Region, among others who came from far and wide. What the Stoning Ritual Entails for the Ngemba Culture According to Chief Paul Nji Tumasang, a notable of Akum, the ritual represents a spiritual empowerment from the people...

COMINSUD,Faith Officials Reflect On 'What 10,000 Christians Led by 100 Pastors Can Do For Peace, Justice'

Family Photo  By Raymond Dingana "Peace is priceless," says an old adage, encouraging individuals to prioritize harmony, tranquility, and understanding over selfish interests. However, peace has become a rare commodity in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon due to the Anglophone Crisis, which has persisted for eight years. While actors in the crisis preach the gospel of peace, they often fail to act, resulting in the emergence of other peace building initiatives that involve Faith Officials.  On Thursday December 19, at the Men's Work Secretariate at Presbyterian Church Hill, Ntamulung Bamenda, Community Initiative For Sustainable Development (COMINSUD) organized a come together with Faith Officials on peace building. Chambi Julie, Chairperson of the Community Initiative for Sustainable Development (COMINSUD)  The topic was: "What 10,000 Christians led by 100 Pastors Can Do For Peace,and Justice in the North West Region." "They can transform 1...

CCMN Bounces Back, Poised To Escalate Peace Journalism, Conflict Transformation Reporting

Family Photo  By Raymond Dingana It's been two years since the once vibrant community, peace journalism, and conflict transformation network, the Cameroon Community Media Network (CCMN), went into hibernation. However, the spirit of peace journalism and conflict transformation hasn't left the network. This explains why members felt the need to revive and reenergize the organization. On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, members met in Bamenda for a strategic workshop focused on revitalizing the Cameroon Community Media Network. The gathering aimed to chart a way forward for the association. CCMN Members At The Meeting With resources from Brot für die Welt, the workshop concentrated on reorganizing the governance structure and developing a regional action plan, among other objectives. According to Pedmia Shatu Tita, the acting North West Regional Coordinator of CCMN, the goal is to make CCMN great again. "CCMN has always been 90% community and 10% media, and we felt it was importa...

Global University USA Honors KENDELYS With International Award For Outstanding Performance

Left-Right: Mafor Dr Bayire Delphine ,Vice Chancellor and president of the University, Chief Dr Ndang Kenneth N. By Raymond Dingana Chief Dr Ndang Kenneth N. has received an award for outstanding performance in the Department of Engineering while Mafor Dr Bayire Delphine Epouse Ndang Received an award for outstanding performance in the department of project Management.  The awards were handled to the couple at the 19th Convocation and PHD GRADUATION ceremony in GLOBAL UNIVERSITY USA on November 29th, 2024. While handing over the awards, the Vice Chancellor and  president of the University made the following remarks ; “Fit yourself into contemporary society. PHD, is not the number of books you write anymore. It is the type of leadership you practice. Contextual leadership and Contemporary leadership.Always put yourselves in the position of a Leader not Boss. That will make you to lead your workers or those working with you to have a comfortable working environment” Chief Dr N...

Peace Building: Nkumu Fed Fed Brings Mothers Onboard For Effective Results

     Raymond Dingana  An old adage states,  "Peace begins with a smile,and a mother's smile is the first."  This suggests that a mother's warmth, and kindness can foster a peaceful environment. Unfortunately, mothers in the crisis battered North West, and South West Regions of Cameroon have seen smiles evade their faces due to the pain they are going through as a result of the crisis. This has not sent them to the sidelines; rather, it has ignited their spirit of participation in peace building, which is why many have embraced peace building initiatives. Thanks to Nkumu Fed Fed, one of the few non governmental organization operating in the crisis hit regions, these mothers are being brought on board to contribute to peace building efforts. On Friday, December 6th, 2024, Nkumu Fed Fed, under the project titled  "Mothers for Peace,"  brought together more than two hundred women for a two day capacity building workshop on the role of mothers in ident...

DIOH Unveils New Book: "Profitable For Relationships"-A Solution-Oriented Approach To Relationship Issues

  At The Launching Of Book Titled Profitable For Relationships By Raymond Dingana  The answers to all relationship and marital issues have been compiled and published in a book titled Profitable for Relationships. This masterpiece, whose sole aim is to consolidate relationships and mend broken ones, was presented to the public on Saturday, November 30th, 2024. This was during a book launch and seminar with the theme: Profitable For Relationship and Marriage that took place at the St. Louis Multipurpose Hall, Mile 3 Nkwen.  Reader Receiving Her Own Copy Of Profitable For Relationship  The author of Profitable for Relationships, DIOH Emmanuel Elad, who is also a trained medical laboratory technician, pastor, counselor, and servant leader, stated during the launch that the questions he encounters daily as a counselor inspired him to write the book. "I have been a counselor for over 10 years, addressing relationships and marriages for both singles and couples. The great...